Elders Ministry
What is an Elder?
An Elder is a person who has been a faithful member of East Mt. Zion Baptist Church for 50 or more years.
Elders are Faithful!
Their longevity as a member of East Mt. Zion Baptist Church substantiates their love for God and the family of East Mt. Zion Baptist Church.
II Corinthians 9:7; Elders are Cheerful Givers!
They have financially supported East Mt. Zion for 50 or more years; obedience to and the love of the Lord is how they have accomplished this for half a century or more.
James 2:26; Their Love of the Lord Moves Them to Action!
In summary, an Elder is a person who has been a faithful member of East Mt. Zion Baptist Church for 50 or more years, who love the Lord and cheerfully contribute their time, talents and monies in support of East Mt. Zion Baptist Church.
The Elders of East Mt. Zion Baptist Church are annually acknowledged by the church membership and a repast is held in their honor. A picture of each with a brief description of their involvement in the church is displayed in the Historical Elders Book which is displayed in the vestibule of the A. Charles Bowie Education Wing.